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Analysis of flexible fabric structures 4MbAbstractThis thesis is primarily aimed at carrying out analysis of Energy Bags, reinforced fabric bags used for subsea compressed air energy storage.Subsea compressed air energy storage is a completely new method http://www.austherm.com.au/ of largescale energy storage designed to be integrated with directcompression offshore wind turbines and wave energy converters.500m)In which high pressure air, compressed by specially designed wind turbines and wave energy converters, is stored at pressures roughly equal to the hydrostatic pressure of the surrounding water. Energy Bags do not need to be particularly strong because most of the reaction to the pressure load is provided by the surrounding water, and high energy densities are available at such depths as500m. This thesis investigates the deformed shapes of energy bags and studies optimal designs.Three analysis methods are developed which vary in their complexity, See results about Bags ease of use, and accuracy.First, a system of coupled ordinary differential equations(Odes)Is derived which describes the deformed shape of an axisymmetric energy bag.This model is later used in an optimisation study to find the shapes of bag which minimise the cost of materials(Reinforcement, fabric, and ballast)Per unit of energy stored.Circumferential reinforcement, hanging masses from the inside of the bag(Which it was hoped would lower the total cost)And fill level are all included as variables in the optimisation, and it is found that for reasonable materials costs an energy bag could cost less than when anchored at 500m.This compares favourably with all other methods of largescale energy storage.However, the bags used in the optimisation study have wide bases, which will require sealing against the seabed(Unless water is to be allowed into the bags).Problems are encountered when trying to use the ode method to find the shapes of partially inflated bags, and it is generally not very easy to use. Next, we carry out finite element analysis(Fea)Of an axisymmetric energy bag using cable elements.This is much more userfriendly and flexible than the ode method.Partially inflated bag shapes are found, and pressurevolume curves are presented which show the almost Cheap Louis Vuitton Handbags isobaric performance of an energy bag.It is found that material mass limits the extent to which the bag can be deflated before it becomes unstable.The axisymmetric fea is used to study bags with much more realistic circumferential reinforcement than the ode method, and we also look at bags with an unsealed base, which allow water in through the base as they deflate. A threedimensional fea tool is presented which models an energy bag as a cablereinforced membrane using cable and membrane elements, and special measures had to be taken to deal with wrinkling.We assume that the bag is rotationally symmetric, comprising a number of symmetric lobes.The 3d fea is used to find the stress distribution in the membrane of the bag, however a converged solution cannot always be found.It is not certain why this is the case but it is anticipated that it is because deformed bags are not always rotationally symmetric.The 3d fea could also be used to model other membrane structures such as balloons, parachutes, roofs and sails, as well as nets. The standard cutting patterns for lobes in lobed balloons are analysed, and a new cutting pattern known as the constant tension lobe is generated.This is an extension of the constant radius lobe and takes into account the pressure gradient found in both air and water, minimising waste material.The constant tension lobe is particularly appropriate for energy bags because of the large pressure gradient in water.The ultra high performance vessel architecture is also presented, upon which the design of the prototype energy bags is based.The fabric structure of an ultra high performance vessel comprises only two sheets of fabric(Rather than many separate lobes welded together), and tendon shortening and serve to ensure that there is no meridional stress in the fabric. An analytical optimisation is used to show that the zero pressure bag that minimises cost of materials per unit of energy stored has equal costs of reinforcement and membrane.The axisymmetric fea is also used to find the optimum http://www.austherm.com.au/ bag size and maximum fill level for a bag which comes down to a single point at the base(As opposed to a wide base bag). Finally, testing of two 1.8m diameter superpressure Energy Bags has been commenced during the course of this work, and the prototypes and test rig are documented in this thesis.The prototypes were manufactured for us by thin red line aerospace ltd., a Canadian manufacturer of deployable fabric structures for use in space.They are being cycled backtoback in order to prove the concept, assess the performance of an energy bag over time, and identify any problems that need to be addressed.One of the bags had a few small leaks from the moment it was first inflated, but the other has remained airtight to date.It was found that if an energy bag is to be airtight, special attention must be paid to the welds at the seams and the sealing around the airline fittings.

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America's Louis Vuitton Bags UK most bicycle There are many unspectacular but important things a city can do to gain our consideration for this list.Maybe you've heard of them, or maybe the pace of change these days already begun to enjoy them:Segregated bike lanes, municipal bike racks and bike boulevards, to name a few.If you have those things in your town, cyclists probably have the ear of the local government key factor.To make our top 50, a city must also support a vibrant and diverse bike culture.It must have smart, savvy bike shops.A few notes:We considered only cities with populations of 100, 000 or more.We strove for geographical diversity, to avoid having a list dominated by california's many bikeoriented cities.If your town isn't named below if it falls on our worstcities list use this as an opportunity to do something about it, like cyclists in miami did after their city earned a black mark in 2008.And if your city is one of the 50 lauded below?Go out and enjoy a ride. I was raised in oregon and moved out of state about 3 years ago due to work.I miss the wonderful riding areas there.I used to live in the city of corvallis(Oregon state beavers! ).The riding there was awesome and beautiful!So bike friendly.Never was it hard to find a bike shop, instead it was hard to find the one you loved the most.But now i'm in the northern kentucky area, and it sucks for biking.Not bike friendly at all.They are trying to, but not with great success.Limited selections on where to go for bike shops, and the ones that are here just don't compare.Bike lanes,"What are those? "Is a common struggle.Then drivers don't know what a red really means.I miss oregon. I don't know how you compiled this list.Commuter biking in columbus is limited however we have miles and miles(At least 50)Of dedicated paths(Riders and walkers only)That hundreds of people use several times a week for recreation and exercise.The path my wife and i use is 40 miles out and back and close to our house.So i called a bike shop there.They said there were no dedicated bike paths in the city but a flat 6 miler in summerville(30 miles away) I assume omaha, nebraska is on the list as a pitiful nod to geographic diversity, but it should not be on this list.Winters are cold, long, and so icy that even driving a car is dangerous in january.Despite being in the great plains, it is hilly enough that some paths are just easier to walk. Geographic issues aside(The city can't help the weather and topography), the city is full of ignorant, thoughtless, inconsiderate drivers who are entirely hostile to bicyclists.I am told routinely in no uncertain terms that i need to get off the street.Most of the city suffers from terrible urban sprawl and there are no bike lanes.I consider it a good day if a big, red pickup truck doesn't try to run me off the road. Has anyone from bicycling ever been to grand rapids?I hope that this city is not the 36th best for cycling.There are very few dedicated trails that aren't 7mph sidewalks with asphalt.The trails are pieced together on noncycling friendly roads through blighted neighborhoods and in ill repair.You cannot commute from the southwest(Largest suburbs)Into the city if it rains without riding on extremely busy and dangerous Louis Vuitton Womens Luggage roads.Grand rapids has one reclaimed waste area parkn with trials that is kind of nice.But driving into town, downtown, across town, anything you would want to do is extremely challenging and bicycling unfriendly.This list sucks.In this area alone, holland, mi and grand haven, mi are far superior bicycling cities. Lack of synchronized traffic lights?Lack of paved http://www.bailygibson.co.uk/ roads?Too many hills?Where do you enjoy riding?Parking lots?How does a city disconnect the city from itself?Does this involve the time/space continuum, or a delorean equipped with a food processor?I am relatively sure i manage to ride 6 days a week all on pavement within seattle.Now if you are referring to the amount of smug, retrogrouch, bearded 30somethings riding cargo bikes accessorized with things like leather coffee cup holders and seat bags well, you would be correct.Portland is very different than seattle. It really is time to start taking seattle off these lists.It truly is one of the worst places(If not the worst place)To ride a bike at least as far as cities are concerned. From the weather(It does get to you), to the lack of paved roads, to the shitty drivers, to the disconnect of the city from itself, to the smallness of the city, to the shitty drivers, to the hills, to the lack of synchronized traffic lights, to the disconnect of the place, to the shitty drivers and the overall attitude toward bicyclists, and well.There's just no momentum to be found here. It's just a shitty place hell, the difference between bicycling in portland, ore., and Seattle is like night and day. When you say one of the worst places if not the worst place to ride a bike, where exactly are you comparing it too?After living in the udistrict(North of downtown)And working near the west seattle bridge(South of downtown)Which is about 7.5 miles each way, I biked everyday to work, right through downtown, without any issues and usually in about 3035minutes.Comparatively i wouldn't dare try a similar commute through philly, the other city i am familiar with.As far as Paved roads, being a metropolitan area, there are a surprising amount(See all)Of Paved roads.There were plenty of longer rides available, like the mercer island loop or even the popular burkegilman trail(Paved).Shitty drivers is certainly a stretch, because i'd argue that most large cities have shitty drivers.As far as hills, perhaps you should choose your routes more carefully(Lazily), or move to Oklahoma City.

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12 bodies recovered after Texas blast GALLERY This thursday, april 18, 2013 aerial photo shows the remains of a nursing home, left, more information apartment complex, center, and fertilizer plant, right, destroyed by an explosion in west, texas.Rescuers searched the smoking remnants for survivors of wednesday night's thunderous fertilizer plant explosion, gingerly checking smashed houses and apartments for anyone still trapped in debris while the community awaited word on the number of dead.More than 160 people were hurt. Officials did not identify those killed, but the dead were believed to include a small group of firefighters and other firstresponders who rushed toward the west fertilizer co.To battle a fire that apparently touched off the blast. View a photo gallery of the scene.>> Texas department of public safety sgt.Jason reyes said he could not confirm how many firstresponders had been killed.Efforts to search the devastated buildings were continuing, he added. The wednesday evening explosion was strong enough to register as a small earthquake and could be heard for many miles across the texas prairie.It demolished nearly everything for several blocks around the plant.More than 200 people were hurt. Even before investigators disclosed the fatalities, the names of the dead were becoming known throughout the community of 2, 800.Townspeople gathered late thursday for a service at st.Mary of the assumption catholic church. "We don't know what to think,"The rev.Ed karasek told those gathered at the service. Officials did not identify those killed, but the dead were believed to include a small group of firefighters and other firstresponders who rushed toward the west fertilizer co.To battle a fire that apparently touched off the blast. View www.bridesmaidressesonline.co.uk a photo gallery of the scene.>> Texas department of public safety sgt.Jason reyes said he could not confirm how many firstresponders had been killed.Efforts to search the devastated buildings were continuing, he added. The wednesday evening explosion was strong enough to register as a small earthquake and could be heard for many miles across the texas prairie.It demolished nearly everything for several blocks around the plant.More than 200 people were hurt. Even before investigators disclosed the fatalities, the names of the dead were becoming known throughout the community of 2, 800.Townspeople gathered late thursday for a service at st.Mary of the assumption Sheath Wedding Dresses catholic church. "We don't know what to think,"The rev.Ed karasek told those gathered at the service. "Our town of west will never be the same, but we will persevere. " Christina rodarte, who has lived in west for 27 years, said"Everyone knows the firstresponders, because anytime there's anything going on, the fire department is right (more Prom dresses here) there, all volunteer. " The only fatality who has been publicly identified was kenny harris, a 52yearold captain in the dallas fire department who lived south of west.He was offduty at the time but responded to the fire to help, according to a statement from the city of dallas. Brenda covey once lived in the nowleveled apartment complex across the street from the plant. On thursday, she learned that two men she knew were dead, both of them volunteer firefighters.One had been the best man at her nephew's wedding. "Word gets around quick in a small town,"Said covey, who has lived all her life in and around west. Firefighter darryl hall, from thorndale, about 50 miles away from west, was one of the rescue workers helping with the housetohouse search. "People's lives are devastated here.It's hard to imagine,"Hall said. Federal investigators and the state fire marshal's office planned to begin inspecting the blast site friday to collect evidence that may point to a cause. Franceska perot, a spokeswoman for the bureau of alcohol, tobacco, firearms and explosives, said investigators would begin at the perimeter of the explosion and work inward toward the destroyed fertilizer company. It was clear was that the town's landscape would never be the same.An apartment complex was badly shattered, a school set ablaze and a nursing home left in ruins. Garage doors were ripped off homes.Fans hung askew from twisted porches.At west intermediate school, which was close to the blast site, all of the building's windows were blown out, as well as the cafeteria. The fertilizer facility stores and distributes anhydrous ammonia, a fertilizer that can be directly injected into soil.It also mixes other fertilizers.

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